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Posts posted by akizuki

  1. ngayon wala na ako nakikita pero nararamdaman ko na lang sila o kung ano man sila..pakiramdam ko minsan katabi ko lang sila..pakiramdam ko naman minsan nakatingin lang sila..

    pero gusto ko malaman gusto ko masagot mga tanong ko..baka may kilala kayo pwede maka tulong sa akin..bakit ko nasasabing uulan, bakit yung mga nasa panahinip ko nagkakatotoo,bakit paulit ulit panaginip ko sa malaking bilog na humahabol sa akin,bakit nagkakatotoo mga bulong ko pag masama loob ko

    baka may makatulong

    pls pm me...need ur help

    marami pa ako experienced pero tamad na ako mav type..next time na lang



    basically, you just need to accept all things. we are at the age where lightworkers and the others are being awakened. marami pa ang mabubuksan. If you need assistance, guidance, or help, let me know.

  2. Is the sense of "feeling" (and not seeing) other entities also considered third eye? :unsure:



    yes. more often than not, yung feeling mo sa paligid mo is your awareness that you know that someone you cannot see by your naked eye is around you. when that feeling happens in a dark place, take note that it's because in the dark, our senses are further heightened. so yung akala mong guni guni lang na makita mo sa peripheral view mo, chances are, nakita mo nga talaga sila. When I do paranormal investigations this usually happens

  3. we all talk about elementals and dead people. i want to ask if anyone here has the true third eye: has anyone seen the devil or an angel? much more talked to them?


    everyone has a third eye. most people are not aware of. often, people think that they are imagining things. there are different forms of a sixth sense. Others by taste, others by smell, others by touch, others by visual, and the most common is the mind's eye, which is often associated to imagination.


    There are different levels or planes in the parallel universe. imagine it like you are on different floors of a building. But those on the lower floors will not be able to go up, the ones on the upper levels, can go down.


    Lower levels like elementals can easily be seen by someone who has his third eye open. we also sense them easier. For the same reason that sometimes, they also get fond of us.


    The higher ones, the gods and luminary entities, they are on a higher plane. They can't be seen easily. You have to have such skill to be able to communicate with them (this is where your capacity in Karunungan ng Diyos comes into play). Not even elementals have access on seeing angelic/demonic beings. So if someone claims to be able to communicate with them, you must have higher precaution than those who claim to see elemental spirits. One should be worthy enough to get that attention.



    Trivia: two earth-bound souls standing side by side cannot actually see each other unless they connect to the same realm of thought.

  4. It was only in Erap's presidency that the AFP had a better budget. 4%, as how we think this is small, is attributed to military kaya aggressive din ang mga sundalo sa pang gegera sa mindanao that time. While the rest puro 1% lang. Sino ba naman ang gaganahan sa 1% na buong sandatahang Pilipinas ang maghahati hati.. samantalang ang mga pulitiko natin bumubulsa ng masmalaki pa jan?


    Sabah - Owned by Sultanate of Sulu, leased by the Brits, handed ownership to Malaysia. This caused Diosdado Macapagal to cut our ties with Malaysia. Marcos planned to take this over by war via commandos. Ninoy exposed this plan so it did not push thru and a lot of people died of this. Currently, up until now, Filipinos are still being thrown off Sabah and the Government is doing nothing of this. And I don't think 50% of the Philippine population know that Philippines is the rightful owner of this "Malaysian" land.


    Mischief Reef - Everyone knows, China took this by force from us.. May ginawa tayo? our politicians whined.


    Now the rest of the Spratly's are in dispute


    Scarborough Shoal is an addition to the conflict now.

  5. If we are to identify st lukes, please indicate whether it's Global City or Quezon City.


    A number of doctors would say "Puhleez, don't associate me with The Fort, St Lukes QC ako."


    Why: Maganda ang facilities but the competence of The Fort is in question. May mga umiikot nga din na rumors where doctors would find a way para ma-admit ang patient. Example: A simple stomach ache would make it sound like from a doctor na baka appendicitis na sya and kelangan i-admit for observation so and so.

  6. chagaan lang mag apply dito.. odesk is a web portal for employers and job seekers. I should say masmabilis makakuha ng trabaho dito kesa sa ibang web portals. There are two types of job openings set by employers:


    project based - you are charging them by the project (you set the terms like 50% down - 50% upon completion, or no down.. bahala ka)

    hourly based - This is the best advantage ng odesk. You are charging them per hour (wag nyo naman sirain ang dangal ng mga pilipino para pumatol sa mga less than $1/hr. remember kayo din ang gumagastos ng internet at kuryente nyo.


    Know your worth. Kung sa office environment kumikita kayo ng 1k/day, and hanap nyo sa odesk ay similar work, then please, try to give an asking price of at least $4/hr. Match the opening with its actual rate here in our country at least. Pero, wag naman tayo magpabarat, hindi natin need ang ganitong job kung pati sa dayuhan online magpapa isang kahig isang tuka din tayo.


    Maraming barat na employers, especially the Europeans. But marami din OK magbayad as in mejo lower than actual rate from their country, but equivalent to under the table US jobs (5-11 USD per hour starting) I've seen some profiles who are under contract of $20/hr, pinoy din sya.


    Mejo mataas ang competition dito, especially we have India to compete with. And it's no different from the real world job applications or project proposals. may letter of introduction talaga kayo na gagawin. Buff up your profile: take tests for proficiency dahil lalabas din to sa profile nyo, fill your profile with information that attract them that you can really do the job without problems. In other words, please the employer to get the job. Maraming employers na tamad at ang gusto nila ay taong mapagkakatiwalaan nila, especially online, hindi nila nakikita mga employees nila.


    Mejo matagal din ako naghanap ng work dito until I nailed one. Chagaan lang na makauna sa pila ng mga job openings. These people swarm like bees. Pag may job opening, expect in an hour na number 10 ka na sa pila. Sometimes even more.


    So if you wish to get jobs on this site, chagain mo lang and you will get one.

  7. im a little skeptical when it comes to possessions..


    This is actually a primary requirement in possession cases. Dahil hindi lahat ng possession cases ay possession talaga. Karamihan dito kabaliwan lang :) And dito kasi hindi uso ang possession.. ang uso sa atin nakawan ng kaluluwa. Yung mga engkanto na nang-eenslave ng kaluluwa, mga ganun na stuff.


    And ang problema sa possession kung actual possession nga sya is mahirap magconvince ng tao kung down na sya talaga. Here's the reason why: Ang possession, ay hindi mangyayare to begin with without consent of the soul, or yourself. If you don't let the outsider to get in, it can't. Kahit sya pa ang pinakamalakas na demonyo. So pag nabigyan ng permission ng body owner ang nangpossess.. meaning depressed na tao yan.. this has to play around in the psychological sense.


    2nd, how to drive the invader away. Unang una, eh kung hinaharbor talaga ng nagpapossess yung nagpossess, kahit anong taboy ng exorcist, hindi nya matataboy yun.. It takes two to tango ika nga, the will has to come from yourself and the one exorcising you.

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  8. The ability of the 6th sense varies.. it does not follow parati na when your 3rd eye is active, eh nakakakita ka na agad. This is like a medical degree na may kanya kanyang specialization. One person may be visual, but he cannot foretell the future or could not see the glipse of what is to happen. Meron naman tipong oracle who can see what's going to happen to a person in a few months or years to come but he is not visual. Others can hear but not see as well. Other people can easily do astral travel but not another person.


    This can be practiced, mejo may effort lang pag magisa ka lang dahil walang makapagverify kung tama yung nararamdaman mo. And don't expect a fully visual manifestation of these spirits, pag nangyayare tong ganito, obviously they want to be seen (I've had counts of experiences with this method). Also, if you're starting to get visual na, expect all sorts of beings, including those that you can only imagine :)

  9. Dunno if its true..

    Sabi kasi pwedeng gayuma yung pinaghugasan ng sensitive part ng girl.Or yung pinagliguan nya ipapainum yun sa guy.Gross pero maraming mga matatandang naniniwala dito


    cge try mo sa ken, pag magfall ako sayo then true nga.. pag nalibugan lang ako then nde :P

  10. ...continuation....

    Talk of evil influence.

    He sold the gayuma in hundreds of pesos in the 60's (man, that's a lot of money). But the hitch there is that the buyer must get the bottle from him, bring it home without passing any miraculous church, and leave it outside the house where religious icons and images might be present.


    I have not observed this but my uncle told me of this story.

    Somebody from Manila ordered a potion. He made one during Holy Friday between 11am-12 noon. From the north he traveled by bus going to Manila. At the highway in Manaoag, a good 1 km from the miraculous church, the bottle in his pocket burst! Near other churches, this never happened. But Manaoag church has it's own miracles to tell.


    Talk of Karma.

    My uncle is old now but never got to pass the craft to his only son who at 38 years old fears the dark and never married (hindi siya bakla but has no interest in sex kaya he never has to use gayuma). Also, my uncle was once hunted by the mayor of a Benguet town after learning he was the one who concocted the gayuma used by a teenager to lure the mayor's daughter. Luckily, he escaped to Manila and stayed with us for 1 year.

    In the late 70's, my uncle tried to convince me to learn some of his crafts but I turned him down because I was an urban boy busy studying my college books. During that time, I was also learning some esoteric disciplines like yoga, theosophy, Rosicrucians, etc. and I frowned on this lowly witchcraft. Of course, I have to admit that I got interested in gayuma for the "appeal" it could give me, but the difficulty of getting the different sources during the Holy Week made it hazardous for me.

    Good enough, the craft is ready to be lost as my uncle is old and weak now. Gayuma is for males who lack confidence and too weak to develop themselves.

    I guess a glib-tongued man doesn't need a gayuma.


    theres nothing wrong on learning the skill, if i'd be given the priviledge then i will learn it just for the heck of it. its not all the time that you learn something that you should use anyway.


    to become great is to go astray and live in the dark and come back to the light of righteousness... in other words, learn everything. but if your uncle sold his soul to the devil to know it all and it will require me to sell mine too, then i concede.

    but it seems that your uncle's skills came from a dark path, due to its effects from a miraculous church and keeping it away from religious icons.

  11. Gayuma?!? :) When I was in High School, I joined a coven (a Witch's Circle) that met in White Plains :) . Yup. They were a group that taught me how to tell fortune, develop my third eye, "cast spells" and "use potions". Before you scoff and laugh at me, let me tell you that it is not as wierd as you think it is. Much of the skills they will develop have very scientific explanations and the only reason why it looks like "magic" is because the people just cannot understand it.


    Off topic ba? :)


    teach me your skills... :P


    Do u need to be in contact with the object of your gayuma? or will it work even if ur not physically together? i'm so tempted to use on on my jerk ex bf. We split up last wed on bad terms & i just want the satisfaction of having him crawl back to me & then turning him down! :evil:


    remember the movie "the craft"? its a perfect example of what witches do, and remember when this girl tried to cast a spell for a guy to fall for her? saw the response of karma?

  12. pag nakawindows ka... malamang sobrang bagal nyan after a month na nakabukas walang pahinga. sa bahay 3days nakabukas ang pc walang pahinga ok lang.. pero shempre with just an ordinary room temp eh malaki ang risk ng overheat.


    any debian/linux/unix OS, kahit isang taon yan nakabukas walang shutdown shutdown ok lang.

  13. ok ang cable... pero at this stage... dsl is becoming cheaper.. for those who lives in qc eh meron service ang bayantel na 256kbps, pero worth it kse 1200 lang kasama na pati fone rental mo dun. parang nagbayad ka lang ng presyong unlimited dial up per month sa tri-isys.


    smart bro or smart wi-fi, should i say more? madami ang galit dito dahil sa ubod ng pangit na after sales service. ika nga.. same dog, different collar.. meridiantelekoms pa din naman ang provider nito. technical difficulties ng provider tapos wala kang rebates.. sabihin mong nasira ang modem mo, 2 weeks bago nila puntahan. gudness...

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