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  1. Hi I'm yohan 99 dati irish228sa gl im therpist in  sunrise frictio spa galing genie good life spa aim available always pls message me on my viber   09774859032BODY TO BODY WITH OIL NAG TRANSFER NA PO KO SA SUNRICE FRICTIO SPA YOHANN99 NA PO KO 

    1. Yohan of Frictio

      Yohan of Frictio

      Smiley pls  muaah

    2. haaji


      Baby how much rate ng mga room ngayon? My heaven and earth pa ba? 

    3. Yohan of Frictio

      Yohan of Frictio

      Sa frictio na Po ako frictio pa dati Irish 228 sa gl sa frictio na Po ako lumipat yohann 99 na Po ko ngayun


  2. Worried. My dreams. I used to be inspired to work, so I can pursue my dreams. But the visions in my head are getting hazy, white, blurred. I can no longer visualize myself and my kids walking in our favorite beaches. I'm worried if I will ever make it through this. But I have to. I have to look at my list of happy thoughts, everyday, because I must make it. HOW DO YOU REALLY FEEL?
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