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TOKYO--Fresh from the starting gate of the 2005 Tokyo Game Show, who wouldn't make a beeline straight for Konami's next-generation theater, where the first real trailer for the newly christened Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots for the PlayStation 3 is playing? Certainly not us. We saw the trailer just minutes ago and are happy to report on what looks like one epic stealth action game in the works at Kojima Productions.


The trailer begins with a slightly baffling clip of first-person gameplay, in which an unnamed soldier patrols through a war-torn, ruined city, with futuristic helicopters soaring overhead and the muted sounds of combat ringing in the background. The soldier spies a sleek figure darting behind cover off in the distance, but upon rounding the corner, there's nobody to be seen. All the while, the letters "FPS" are appearing on the screen, forming phrases like "Finally a Policy Shift?"--perhaps indicating that Metal Gear Solid 4 is in fact a shooter. But then the camera pulls back to reveal the soldier caught in the death grip of none other than Solid Snake, who proceeds to dispatch the hapless guard with characteristic aplomb. Then we're treated to the words we've hoped to see "Not FPS - MGS!"


Then again, this might not be the Snake you were expecting. The rumors are true: Solid Snake has gone gray, and he appears to be in his declining years in Metal Gear Solid 4. This time, there doesn't seem to be any question about the placement of the game on the series' timeline, since the trailer wastes no time in announcing that the game is set "X years after Big Shell," which puts it well after MGS2, chronologically the most recent Metal Gear game. After the little first-person fake-out, the trailer fully reveals Snake, still wearing his classic sneaking suit but deeply lined, grizzled, and even sporting gray hair and a rough-looking moustache. He's also got some kind of wicked-looking future eye patch. Shades of Big Boss? At least the mullet is intact.


After his auspicious introduction, Snake stalks through the streets of the city, which has clearly been rendered unlivable by untold months or years of combat. He quickly ducks into the blasted-out shell of a nearby building to avoid the attention of an approaching caravan of foot soldiers accompanied by an imposing line of armored personnel carriers. Snake appears to be uncharacteristically intimidated by this advancing column, a point that's driven home by a title that flashes on the screen: "A new enemy created in battle." Matters only worsen as the procession approaches and it's revealed that a handful of small, bipedal Metal Gears, looking like smaller versions of the Rex model, are accompanying the troops.


As if matters aren't bad enough with this hellish enemy host right on the other side of the wall, Snake is clearly feeling his age. While he's remaining covert and attempting to formulate a plan, he's seized by a coughing spasm that doubles him over and nearly brings him to his knees. The only remedy is some sort of advanced injection system, which he delivers directly to his jugular vein and which seems to cure him temporarily. He then engages his eye patch, which we can see is actually labeled the "Solid Eye System," and we get a glimpse of Snake's own enhanced perspective, which is overlaid with a busy tactical display analyzing the armament and threat level of every major target in the area.


But Snake's not just the watcher--he's also being watched, as we see him brought into the sights of some sort of unseen robotic entity. As the potential attacker rolls up behind him and he whirls around, bringing his rifle to bear, we find that it's just a small, rather cute little robot with a screen on the side bearing none other than the image of Otacon. Yet, Otacon looks to have aged very little since MGS2. Has he been drinking at the fountain of youth? Or could it be that Solid Snake's genetically engineered background may have accelerated his aging, made him sick, and rendered him dependent on drugs to maintain his health? This will certainly be one of many mysteries yet to be revealed in MGS4.


Snake and Otacon then exchange a few pleasantries and agree that it's time to move on, but not before the little robot hands Snake a few clips to load into his advanced, modular assault rifle. It's at this point that Snake lights up his trademark cigarette and heads off through the city, little Otacon robot in tow, as he embarks on whatever his latest (and possibly last?) mission is. It's at this point that the full title of the game--Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots--is revealed, tying the game indelibly to the ending of Metal Gear Solid 2 and, indeed, the overarching storyline of the entire series. Devotees of Kojima's long-running stealth action epic will surely be fanatically interested in where the twisting storyline is going next, and we recently got a small taste of MGS4's gameplay and storyline courtesy of Famitsu magazine.


We don't need to tell you that Guns of the Patriots looks utterly incredible--the screenshots certainly speak for themselves--and unlike what we can say about some other PS3 games shown back at the Electronic Entertainment Expo, we can say with confidence that enough aliasing and pixellated textures were evident in this trailer to indicate that it was running smoothly in real time. This is pretty much one of the best-looking games we've ever seen. Whether or not this footage warrants such a grandiose statement will soon be for you to decide--it's reported that Kojima Productions will post the trailer itself on the MGS4 site at the close of TGS's first day, just a few hours from now. We await further details on this game with bated breath, and we'll bring them to you as soon as we have them.


By Brad Shoemaker, GameSpot POSTED: 09/15/05 08:36 PM

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TGS 2005: MGS 4 Seen, Detailed

Guns of the Patriots shown at TGS. Nine minutes of video on display! Information inside.

by Ivan Sulic


September 15, 2005 - Metal Gear Solid 4 is officially titled Guns of the Patriots. It's at TGS and our boys are floored. According to their reports, it goes something like...




The world is brown, broken. Buildings lie burnt and shattered. Streets are twisted and mangled. Some war ruined this place. Some war ruins it still.


Soldiers prowl the futuristic battlefield, boasting their technological might. Bipedal personal war machines saunter alongside heavily armored tanks, almost strutting with artificial bravado. Above, helicopters rumble, tearing the very air apart. Air... And smoke. And dust.


This one has life.


The world is shown from the first-person. Hideo is taunting us. Is this an FPS? No way! Snake appears suddenly. Old and gray, he leaps forward like an animal and out come the CQC maneuvers. Soldiers fall helplessly before him. In someway we're reminded of Frank Miller's The Dark Night Returns. Age is not synonymous with weakness, anyway.


With his victims before him and their comrades rapidly approaching, Snake makes a hasty retreat behind cover. He's hidings among some debris. Effective as he was, the fight still seems to have taken its toll. He's worn now. His body is showing it, too. Though the injections he self-administers seem to calm his ailments, it's obvious our hero has lived better days.


Nowhere to hide.


That's what Kojima promised at E3. Does he mean from Death? Can Snake not escape the reaper that comes for us all? Is his time nearly up? Or maybe Kojima was just talking about Otacon. Maybe Snake can't hide from him. The old nerd seems to have attached himself to a mini-gear. But before the vid-link conversation can carry on for too long, Snake vaults back out into the fray.


Suddenly he's being hunted again. He flips the Solid Eye personal viewer on to get his electronic bearings. Then he's off. Through the air, between bullets and away from pouncing gears, he goes. He's running. Snake's running. Running and running and running. Not hiding. If he stops, they'll k*ll him.


Just when we thought we'd die, the video ended. But the information is still coming. Here's a bit from Kojima's development studio...


Kojima Productions:

"Unseen" could be described as the inner aspect. For instance, if one were to talk about realistic graphics in the gaming industry, he or she would be referring to an image that is photograph-like. That, however, is reality from an external perspective and does not necessarily take into account the inner aspect. In the past, buildings in games were similar to those found on movie or stage sets and were merely pictures or photographs of wall-material pasted on the surface of a polygon model. The characters created on infinitesimally thin boards were also devoid of any signs of inner flesh, blood, or heart.

With next-generation hardware, Hideo Kojima intends to undertake the task of creating the inner qualities of these elements. When objects break, the sound generated from the breakage differs according to the weight and hardness of the object, and the content of the objects becomes exposed. When a character sustains an injury, not only would he experience physical change, but his physical agony would inevitably be accompanied by an emotional, sensory, and spiritual change. For instance, when the wind blows, there is a gradual shift in the configuration of the sand. When trees are burned to the ground, new seeds in the scorched earth sprout and bloom into flowers.


The inner aspect is unseen and establishes its presence only through time and the will of the player. This will pave the way toward a revolutionary change that will lead us away from the past concept based on "reality" towards the "natural."


The setting for Metal Gear Solid 4 (MGS4) is a time far beyond where MGS ends and MGS2 picks up.


The player once again takes on the form of Solid Snake and undertakes new missions.


In MGS and MGS2, the player snuck into man-made buildings, and in MGS3 the player tackled the natural landscape of the 1960's. What follows with MGS4 is a whole new concept in which the harshest infiltration missions will need to be performed in completely new situations.


In the first Metal Gear Solid title, Liquid Snake, who has the same genetic makeup as Solid Snake, takes over the advanced weapon system at Shadow Moses, an island located in the northern sea off of Alaska. He demands the release of the body of Big Boss by the US government in exchange for the nuclear weapon system, Metal Gear Rex. Solid Snake is sent on a solo mission to infiltrate the cold, deserted island to confront his brother, the other Snake.


In MGS2, Raiden, a new member of the Foxhound group, is sent on a solo mission to intercept the plans of the terrorist group who have built a fortress at Big Shell, the wastewater purification facility off the coast of New York. In the process of carrying out the mission, the existence of a powerful organization that has worked behind the scenes to aid the prosperous development of the American Republic gradually comes to light.


MGS3, the latest release, goes back to the Cold War era and tells the tale of the original Solid Snake. It vividly depicts the birth of Big Boss.


With the fourth installment of the MGS series, the storyline is once again set in the near future. The next-generation PlayStation 3 platform will be infiltrated by an all-star cast and loaded with shocking new scenerios. The secret behind winning the warfare of the next-gen is not found in any "place" but rather in "Sense."


I bet this game would be the most anticipated one for PS3! :cool:

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ang lupit nung trailer! meron ka ba nung sinasabi nilang metal gear raiden: snake eraser? chaka sino yung sa teaser poster yung katabi ni otacon? yung napaka payat


Sorry the site seems to have been blocked already but you can download it here ----> Metal Gear Solid 4 Trailer


Alternatively, you can watch it at the official website too.


Metal Gear Solid 4 Official Website


Yung Metal Gear Raiden: Snake Eraser is a spoof teaser for MGS4. Naghahanap nga ako ngayon kasi mukhang nakakatawa talaga...sa description pa lang eh.


TGS 2005: Metal Gear Raiden: Snake Eraser



Director Kojima shows off a sequel to the parody teaser trailer from E3 for a fictitious game starring Metal Gear Solid 2's hero.


TOKYO--During the Tokyo Game Show, Konami director Hideo Kojima appeared on a special stage to show extra material on his anticipated PlayStation 3 title, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Kojima was expected to show footage from MGS4 and to reveal details about the game with members of his development team. But this is Kojima that we're talking about, so there was a major surprise for attendees.


Instead of proceeding to the MGS4 trailer, Kojima began by explaining why the main character in the game ended up being Snake, rather than Metal Gear Solid 2's comparatively unpopular hero, Raiden. Kojima showed the E3 trailer rendered on the PlayStation 2 engine, in which Raiden fought Snake for the lead in MGS4. That trailer was expected, since Kojima usually warms up the crowd before going on to his main presentation. But what hit everyone completely off guard was a new sequel to the E3 trailer showcasing a fake game titled "Metal Gear Raiden: Snake Eraser."


Metal Gear Raiden: Snake Eraser starts out where the E3 trailer left off. Raiden, determined to snatch the main role in MGS4, decides to time-travel to the past to assassinate Big Boss so that Solid Snake will never exist. He appears in the MGS3 time frame like Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Terminator, almost completely naked and discharging electricity. But as he gets ready to find Big Boss, he is knocked out from above by a parachuting Snake, who is landing the HALO jump that begins MGS3's first mission. Moaning on the ground in pain, Raiden slips out of the time frame, while Colonel Campbell's voice can be heard off-screen, shouting, "You'll create a time paradox! The future will be changed!"


When Raiden gets up, he finds himself in the scene where Ocelot and Eva make their first appearances. Once again, Raiden is struck from behind, this time by Eva and her motorcycle. Big Boss is also at the scene, but Raiden is unconscious before he gets the chance to point a gun at him.


Waking up once again, Raiden finds that he has landed in a jail cell--with Big Boss locked up in another cell next door. Things take an odd twist from there, as Colonel Volgin appears, mistakes Raiden as his fellow soldier, Major Raikov, and tries to grope him in the jail cell's bed. Then Colonel Campbell's voice can be heard again screaming, "Don't do that! You'll create a time paradox! The future will be changed!"


Raiden then teleports into a barrel that carries the dead body of Metal Gear's original creator, Granin. There, he is harassed by Volgin once again, who punches the barrel from the outside and blasts it into the air. One teleport later, Raiden finds himself face to face with Eva's chest, right in the scene where she's exposing her large scar to Big Boss. Not being able to take his eyes off, a hefty slap by the femme fatale sends Raiden into another time warp.


After all of his troubles, Raiden finds himself face-to-face with Volgin yet again, who tries to crush Raiden with a Shagohad tank. Raiden is saved by a rocket launcher blast from Big Boss that stops the Shagohad, and he finally gets to meet the legendary mercenary. Big Boss, not knowing Raiden's intentions, hands a gun to him as a safety precaution. Raiden aims the gun at Big Boss' back, but he finds he can't k*ll the man that saved his life. Dropping the handgun to the ground, Raiden watches Big Boss as he rides away on a bike with Eva. He is then trampled by an army of soldiers racing after Big Boss and is subsequently crushed by a Shagohad.


This setback doesn't stop Raiden from trying to erase Solid Snake from history. As a last resort, he decides to k*ll Snake directly. As Raiden makes his last time warp, the screen suddenly changes from the 3D graphics of MGS3 to a 2D display of the original 8-bit MSX Metal Gear from 1987. But just as Raiden corners Snake, a solider appears behind him and guns him down. It's game over for Raiden, who then leaps back to his original time. "Get out of my way. He's mine!" says an aged Big Boss to Raiden in Metal Gear's 8-bit conversation screen, as Raiden shouts his last words of regret. "Big Boss... I know I should have killed you!"


Back in his own time, a despondent Raiden is comforted by his girlfriend, Rose, who says that the past can't be changed. "Metal Gear Solid 4 might not be possible," she says, as the trailer comes to its conclusion, "But what about 5...?"


The Metal Gear Raiden trailer was given a great applause by fans at Konami's booth, and it was a fantastic appetizer before Kojima's main presentation of MGS4. Gamers who couldn't visit the Tokyo Game Show will get a chance to see the trailer in a few more months, since it will be included in Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence's bonus material.


By Hirohiko Niizumi, GameSpot  POSTED: 09/18/05 04:21 PM

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i think that the mgs series is the best games in psx, and ps2.. astig ang story and gameplay

feel na feel mo yung laro


Well, we really can't compare the MGS from PSX & PS2 with this installment. As you may know, Kojima is famous for inserting some twists in the story so let's just wait & see. :cool:


astig talaga si snake.


kaya lang ibig sabihin pati si eva matanda na?  :boo:


heniweys, sana magkaroon sa ps2.  :upside: 


Astig talaga...nakakatense habang pinapanood ko yung trailer. :thumbsupsmiley:


It seems...si Snake lang ang tumanda. Kasi si Otacon halos walang pinagbago. Kung mapapansin mo...meron ininject si Snake sa arm nya to stop the pain. So most likely meron syang genetic defect or disorder since Snake is a clone of Big Boss.


Pre, for PS3 na ito talaga...meron sa PS2...MGS3: Subsistence. Online sya. :thumbsupsmiley:

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