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Falling For A Therapist - Merged Thread

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straying a bit away from the topic... these mishaps does not need to come from an mpa. even relationships with a normal civilian may end up in tragedy. office women, housewives, salesladies, food vendors, clerks, politicians, lawyers, doctors, etc. have the ability to cheat on you. i mean, it would not be obvious with them at first since you're expectations are set that they are "good women", decent women who wouldn't cheat on you or have sex with anyone with a drop of a hat. we shouldn't discriminate and blame our relationship because of their profession. any woman is capable of cheating on her man just like men do. it's already the millenium. have you watched sex and the city? just check out friendster and see for yourself how many girls make this show their bible. women want to do what men has been doing for ages!

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you know what, sometimes we also need to take a step back and think. if we really love girls in this profession, why don't we just support them and go on with our lives? at least we have saved one girl from disaster! given that we all have money, a wrinkled dick to go with, would you think that these girls would truly love us in return? we sticked our dicks in, paid, left, returned, paid again (probably more), and now you're already expecting alot? seems like we are buying ourselves a relationship, is it not.


the problem with us people sometimes is that we expect too much. why cant we just help and not expect anything in return? do they have to really repay us with sex and love us too? cant we just be satisfied and have instant gratification that we have saved a soul? im not saying that you dont have to have sex with them. my point is just that if you really love someone, having an intimate relationship is really not needed. you're old, not good looking, about to die in around 10 years and you have a poor cousin. you give her a condo which is just around 10% of your total assets. do you expect her to f**k and love you at the same time?


just rambling...



Hehe.. Point taken jamborat. But not to brag. I'm not ugly...I'm not old... dont have a wrinkled dick... as well as a bottomless pocket (unfortunately). When your in love your in love. You want that reciprocated (did I spell that right..lol).


Now you do have a point about selfless love. About supporting them and all. But honestly, giving them that won't same them or stop them from anything. Giving people fish is good, teaching them to fish is better. We have an old adage that goes "easy come easy go"... Give 'em easy money and they'll spend that like there's no tomorrow.


Look, I came from a pretty afluent family, but honestly, I'm pretty sure I'm still not making the same kind of dough the 40-50 y.o. dudes in this site is. I'm also pretty much aware of how much these girls actually make in a month, and well maybe they even make better money than me from time to time (business really wreaks in this country..burn BIR burn...). That's why for me to assure them of something to look forward to month in and month out would be poinant to say the least.


Am I in it for the sex? "No". I can get that whether or not I do love her.


I'm in it for the "moment". I'm in it for that sweet smile. I'm in it for that irritating sonic cackle whenever she laughs. I'm in it for everytime she calls me "sira" of "gago". I'm in it for every pound she gains because of overeating. I'm in it for the fuzzy feeling I get whenever I hear her voice.


If I'm forcing her to love me. Then that's wrong (hence the term binibili lang ang pagmamahal) If she loves me then she loves me, if she doesn't then she doesn't period. Everybody moves on.


I'm sorry to say this but I have to agree with jamborat on something though (sad that I agree on the negative point though.). If the age gap between you and the woman is substancial (as in your old enough to be her daddy) chances of real love being there is pretty slim..not saying its impossible...I'm justvsaying it's slim... example...Just like my Dad's current girl. My Dad's 53, divorced twice (my Mom included) has had 3 GFs after that and is currently dating a 24 yo intern (the girl is younger than my youngest brother for Pete's sake) Thought all along that the girl was bogus, but up to this moment they're still pretty much together and in love. Yun lang nga situation is sorta different but still....blah-blah.. kya nga im not saying its impossible...


BASTA to dwell on the situation would be juvenile. Just share and live the moment for as long as it's there. If intentions are pure and sincere from both parties, nobody has the right to judge, or tell you what to do about the relationship

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why do we need to "save" them?  :huh:  they don't need us to "save" them. stop the messianic complex.

Man, it took me about 5 months to realize that but you are absolutely right. In my case, that's EXACTLY what I was trying to do... like I was going to "save" her and help her get out of making 100k a month so she could do something like serving fries at McDo's for 10k a month. Why? Coz I was going to "save" her from her awful life? SHEEE-UT!, you said it man, they're not asking to be saved. It's us that get it wrong from time to time. Actually, I only have myself to blame for screwing up the nice arrangement that I had with my gal. If I'd have just left the "love" out (should have kept it to myself...like an unspoken truth between us) of it and had not over-gifted her all the time (she NEVER asked for anything), I'd still be having her company. But NOOOOOOOOO, I had to go and screw it all up with trying to "change" her and "save" her. Dude, you hit the nail right on the head with your quote. Thanks for that. Damn, I feel pretty good this morning now for the first time in a long time...hungover but good. Hmmm...think I may have to drop by Starfleet this pm for a little Thai massage action :-) Cheers pre.

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let me try and analyze, everybody's favorite movie -- pretty woman.


what did richard gere's character possess:

- he is rich

- he is good looking

- he has personality

- he is a kind-hearted person

- he is willing to accept the circumstances of his decision

- he is willing to adjust

- he had a finacee who was probably after his money as well

- he had a corrupt father

- he wanted to build things rather than destroy things

- he is willing to help other people (refer to the elderly client)


what did he not possess:

- he is not old

- he didn't look like max alvarado or a crooked politician

- he is not corrupt (during the mid to later part)

- he does not have a car (he borrowed his friend's and rented limos)

- he does not have a child


what did julia robert's character possess:

- she is young

- she is pretty

- she has personality

- she is a brave individual

- she is sensitive

- she is willing to learn

- she is willing to adjust

- she wants to be saved

- she wants to lead a normal comfortable life


what did she not possess:

- she doesn't have breeding (in the first part)

- probably she didn't have proper education

- she doesn't have a child

- she doesn't have money


probaby having the same factors, you're relationship with an mpa/gro would work. <_<

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To all the hopeless in love (to MPAs), don't let the power of sex gets the better judgment over you.....MPAs manipulates through good sex! Go out try others, get more good sex.....remember that MPs is not a place to find true love....that is against the rules.....If they started telling their stories, don't believe them, even if it's real....sympathy is a sign of frailty.....be firm, be strong, think about our government, society, and family; get a new hobby, do sports and give sex a backseat.....If your too rich to work for even a single day, there's still a lot needed to be done, our society needs you.....And lastly there is always a wake-up call......it's either your wallet got sucked dry or physically contaminated by a std.....your call mga dudes.....It's wake up time!!!

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Guest Smith!
To all the hopeless in love (to MPAs), don't let the power of sex gets the better judgment over you.....MPAs manipulates through good sex! Go out try others, get more good sex.....remember that MPs is not a place to find true love....that is against the rules.....If they started telling their stories, don't believe them, even if it's real....sympathy is a sign of frailty.....be firm, be strong, think about our government, society, and family; get a new hobby, do sports and give sex a backseat.....If your too rich to work for even a single day, there's still a lot needed to be done, our society needs you.....And lastly there is always a wake-up call......it's either your wallet got sucked dry or physically contaminated by a std.....your call mga dudes.....It's wake up time!!!


pare just dump my gro gf natauhan ako im a pure blood mother side(rich ..prominent)

father side(politically powerful congressman) bat ko papatulan mga yan nabibili lang

ng bargain yan review my post got love sick i thought im insane at muntik nakong

ma inlove sa mga human toy na prostitutes hell yah i can get a better one or ka level ko

they just need training sa rough sex and lets just enjoy this street sex vendors then

hwag seryosohen muntik na ko :evil: :thumbsdownsmiley:

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tama yan smith, baka kahit ganu kadami pera mo eh mahuthot lang ng babae, nayari kana sakali,or worse pag nalaman ng magulang mo ganun siya eh i disown ka di mawawala mana di ba, puwede naman umarkila na kahit ganu kadami babae tulad nila basta may cash, minsan kasi nakakaasar ibang mpa eh, kung mag aasta eh napaka yabang kung baga eh social climber,

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if the MPA falls in love with me big time or the other way around...i may go for a relationship with the following conditions:


1.) sex is the foundation of the relationship...if performance dipped...either can rescind the contract...

2.) she may continue to work in a MPA but has to limit her sexual contacts and should put physical limitations (with condom, no cim, no anal, no bbj). Hell, i want to hear stories of her sexual activities...its better than xrated dvd....hehehehe.

3.) she should not meddle with my other "life" (no calls aside to a designated fone, etc.). No appearance at my Big Momma's house. No stalking of my crew...hehehehe.

4. Money is never a problem, if she needs it...she has to request in advance.

5. No guarantees for lasting relationship....

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Guest Smith!
tama yan smith, baka kahit ganu kadami pera mo eh mahuthot lang ng babae, nayari kana sakali,or worse pag nalaman ng magulang mo ganun siya eh i disown ka di mawawala mana di ba, puwede naman umarkila na kahit ganu kadami babae tulad nila basta may cash, minsan kasi nakakaasar ibang mpa eh, kung mag aasta eh napaka yabang kung baga eh social climber,


ang ok sa mpa naman talagang makakapili ka ng maganda di tulad ng mga iba dito sa mtc

walang k 87percent ng mga pictures or na meet ko na anlakas ng loob nila pero sobrang

panget nila pati balat andume nakakasuka at ang arte pa ng mga hinayupak :evil: :evil:

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