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Posts posted by consiglieri

  1. dude meron ba kayo number ng dvd supplier...pa pm naman...ung pwedeng hanapan maski hard to find na...




    the usual suspects


    basta someone i can give a list to

  2. Backstage:


    Show is shown celebrated in the ECW locker room with beers. Show then started an ECW chant.


    Extreme Rules Match

    Referee: Jack Doan

    Edge vs. Tommy Dreamer


    Edge is in the ring with Mick Foley and Lita. Edge gets on the mic and says you want to talk hardcore, well Foley knows hardcore. He knows about Funk and Dreamer. Edge says that he has a surprise for Foley. Footage of the "Anti-Hardcore" ECW promo was shown from Cactus Jack back in 1994. Foley nodded and then Tommy Dreamer made his entrance along with Terry Funk, holding a 2X4 with Barbwire.


    The start:


    Dreamer knocked the chair out of Edge's hand with the 2X4 and then Edge bailed the outside. Dreamer followed but Edge hammered away at him. Dreamer whipped Edge into the ring steps and then sent him back into the ring. Dreamer whacked Edge in the back with a street sign and then Lita distracted Dreamer and Edge got the advantage with a shot to the head with the sign. Edge nailed Dreamer in the back with the sign and then grabbed a trash can.


    Mid-match notes:


    Edge went to hip toss Dreamer onto the can but Dreamer countered. Dreamer set up a chair but Edge hit a drop toe hold on Dreamer into the chair. Edge nailed Dreamer in the head with the trash can lid and then hit a splash with the lid onto Dreamer's head for two. Edge nailed a DDT onto the trash can and covered for two. Edge nailed some right hands in the corner but then Dreamer hit a low blow and perched Edge into the tree of woe. Dreamer stood right on the balls of Edge in the corner. Dreamer set up a chair in the face of Edge in the corner and hit a running baseball slide into the chair and Edge's face. Styles and Lawler are going at it on commentary and then Tazz and Ross got involved too. Dreamer and Funk pulled out a table and Dreamer set it up in the ring. Style's took a shot at the leprechaun on Smackdown and made out that Lawler didn't watch the product. This is great. Dreamer went to superplex Edge through the table but Lita hit Dreamer with a Kendo Stick.


    The Finish:


    Funk went after Lita but Foley got Funk with the barbwire around the neck. Edge went for a powerbomb through the table but Dreamer blocked and back dropped, and Edge missed the table and took a sick bump on his head. Dreamer hit a Spicolli Driver through the table and covered but Lita broke the fall with repeated Kendo Stick shots. Dreamer grabbed Lita revealing her black thong and went to powerbomb her but Edge nailed the Spear for the win.


    Winner - Edge


    The Aftermath:


    Funk is hammering away at Foley, and Funk is still covered in barbwire. Foley has been busted open at the hands of Terry Funk.


    Non Title Match

    Extreme Rules Match

    Referee: Mickey Hensen

    Sabu vs. John Cena ©


    Back in the arena and things are settled down for now. We go to a video package looking at what happened at RAW between John Cena and Sabu. John Cena's music then hit as he made his way to the ring as the WWE Champion for this Extreme Rules Match with Sabu! Sabu tossed a chair into the ring.


    The start:


    Cena and Sabu traded right hands with Cena coming out on top. Cena sent Sabu to the ropes and hit a back elbow and then an elbow drop for two. Cena nailed more right hands and then sent Sabu head first to the corner. Cena hit some jabs in the corner and then nailed a nice suplex for two. Cena went for a back drop but Sabu kicked him in the head, but then Cena caught Sabu with a spinebuster for two. Cena hammered away with right hands and then choked Sabu in the corner.


    Mid-match notes:


    Cena sent Sabu hard to the corner but then Sabu came back with a low blow and then tossed Cena to the outside. Sabu hit a slingshot somersault senton to Cena on the outside and then tossed a chair right at his face. Sabu sent Cena back into the ring and again tossed the chair into the face of Cena. Sabu nailed the triple jump moonsault and covered for two. Sabu set the chair up in the corner and hit Air Sabu for another near fall.


    The Finish:


    Sabu hit the Arabian Facebuster on Cena, and he rolled to the outside. Sabu sent Cena shoulder first into the ring steps and then sent him into the announce table. Sabu hit a leg drop on the announce table on Cena. Sabu sent Cena back into the ring and covered for two. Sabu went for Air Sabu in the corner again but Cena caught him and went for the FU and scored with it. Cena then locked in the STFU but Big Show hit the ring and nailed Cena.


    Winner by disqualification, the WWE Champion, John Cena


    The Aftermath:


    Edge then came after Show and Mark Henry and Rey and Foley are in there. Orton joins in and then Van Dam comes out and things are breaking down. WWE get the advantage and then the ECW crew hit the ring. Everyone is brawling all over the place as the show goes off the air.

  3. It was announced on the WWE vs. ECW special last night that Randy Orton had been drafted to RAW and will no longer be appearing on SmackDown!.


    The Big Show took off a shirt and revealed another shirt during the battle royal on WWE vs. ECW revealing that he is with ECW.




    nakakawawa lalo ang smackdown!!! bumalik sa raw si orton...


    big show=ecw


    ano mangyayari sa SD


    WWE vs. ECW in Progress...


    Event: WWE vs. ECW Results

    Airdate: Wednesday, June 14th, 2006

    Location: The Nutter Center in Dayton, OH

    Results by PowerWrestling.com


    WWE vs. ECW Head To Head Opener:


    We open up with Mick Foley in the locker room with RAW and Smackdown! superstars saying that ECW is coming into their backyard and try to humiliate them. Rey called them a bunch of punks and the locker room got fired up. The ECW locker room is shown with Heyman giving a speech and then they started an ECW chant. Stevie Richards and Nunzio were on the ECW side, for those taking notes. We then go to the opening video before the fireworks went off in the arena and we have separate entrances here tonight for each brand as Jim Ross welcomed us to the show alongside Jerry Lawler. We then go over to Joey Styles and Tazz representing the ECW Brand. Tonight we will see a twenty man battle royal between WWE and ECW, then John Cena vs. Sabu in an Extreme Rules Match, as well as Rob Van Dam vs. Rey Mysterio. Tazz mouthed off to Lawler and told him Sunday that he's done. Lawler told Tazz to jump on over, and Tazz got up and went for him with Ross and Styles separating them.


    Non Title Match

    Referee: Charles Robinson

    Rob Van Dam vs. Rey Mysterio ©


    Rey Mysterio's music hit in the arena as he made his way to the ring as the World Heavyweight Champion, set for action here with ECW's Rob Van Dam. We have all four guys on commentary for those keeping score.


    The start:


    Mysterio and Van Dam shook hands. Wasn't he just insulting ECW? Mysterio dropkicked Van Dam. The former partners went back and forth and then faced off. The crowd chanted for Van Dam. Mysterio went for a crucifix but Van Dam avoided it. He pressed and dropped Mysterio, then hit a standing moonsault. Van Dam then jumped on the crowd to play to them. Mysterio dropkicked RVD and went for the 619 but Van Dam saw it coming.


    Mid-match notes:


    Van Dam tried to springboard into the ring but Mysterio dropkicked him in mid-air to the floor. Van Dam caught Rey and dropped him across the guard rail. Can Dam stood on the rail to do a corkscrew leg drop but Rey avoided it. Van Dam landed in the crowd. Rey did a springboard dive into the crowd. Van Dam placed Van Dam atop the ropes and hit the Ryder Kick from the top rope. Mysterio bumped to the floor. The fans chanted, "RVD." Van Dam followed Rey to the floor and tossed him into the ring. Van Dam hit a slingshot guillotine legdrop to Mysterio's throat. Van Dam covered Mysterio for a two count. Mysterio missed a charge in the corner. RVD brought a chair into the ring for a running dropkick with it in the corner. RVD bowed for the crowd, then covered Mysterio for a two count.


    The Finish:


    Van Dam looked outside the ring, then whipped Rey into a corner. He grabbed a chair and went for his old somersault into a monkey flip on a chair but Rey avoided it. He bulldogged RVD onto the chair for a two count. Van Dam placed a chair on Mysterio and went up for the five star frog splash. Van Dam pinned Mysterio.


    Winner, Rob Van Dam


    The Aftermath:


    They showed the locker rooms celebrating and upset, depending on which side they were on.




    They showed footage of Randy Orton attacking Kurt Angle on Raw, followed by Angle walking through the backstage area.


    In the arena:


    Kurt Angle's music began to play and he came out of the ECW entrance. No traditional Angle pyrotecnics until he got to the ring. Joey Styles was selling Angle as a no nonsense wrestler. Tazz said Angle fits ECW like a glove. Angle said that a lot of people thought he would be upset when Randy Orton attacked him with the RKO in Angle's hometown. Angle said that two months ago, he snapped Orton's ankle and loved every second of it. He said that was the favorite time of any ankles he's broken. Angle said that they are going to face off for the first time ever. Angle said that Orton will have to face ECW's Kurt Angle. He said that ECW's Angle doesn't "take sh**."


    Randy Orton's music played and he came out to the entranceway. He questioned whether that was supposed to scare him. The fans chanted ECW. Orton said that he feels sorry for Angle because he's going from main eventing Wrestlemania to ECW. He said that's like going from a summer blockbuster to a hardcore porn movie. Orton said that he wants to reach the top of the ladder. He announced his contract had expired and Angle would be facing Monday Night Raw's Randy Orton, so he's switched brands. Angle said that for the first time in his life, he doesn't have to worry about officials or sponsors or Vince McMahon. He said that all he has to worry about is kicking ass.


    Angle said at the PPV he's going to break Orton's arms and legs. He said that Orton would crawl out of the PPV with a broken neck. Orton called him a smug son of a b**ch, and blamed Angle for breaking his angle. He said that if it wasn't for Angle, Orton would be World champion right now. Angle said that everything has happened for a reason. Orton said that Angle may be the new face of ECW but Orton is going to beat him within an inch of his damn life at the PPV. Orton said it's his destiny to make sure ECW fails and by destroying Angle, he will single-handledly k*ll "the legend of ECW." Angle and Orton faced off.


    Later Tonight:


    They announced Tommy Dreamer vs. Edge in an Extreme Match.




    WWE Women's champion Mickie James and ECW's Jazz were shown walking backstage. They are facing each other next.


    Non Title Match

    Referee: Jack Doan

    Jazz vs. Mickie James ©


    The match:


    They locked up with James working over Jazz' arm. Jazz came back with a kick to the gut and come chops, followed by a dropkick. Jazz hit a Lou Thesz Press from the apron to the floor. They battled on the floor before Jazz tossed James back in the ring. James missed a kick and was hit with Jazz's finisher, the Jazz Stinger (faceplant). Jazz got a two count, but James put her foot on the ropes. James hit a twisting DDT for the pin.


    Winner, the Women's Champion, Mickie James




    Todd Grisham is in the back with John Cena. Todd asked Cena about Sabu and ECW and the attack from RAW. We go to footage. Cena said what we just saw puts into perspective how important this is. Sunday night will be the first time the WWE Title is on the line at an ECW PPV, and if Rob Van Dam wins the title it goes to ECW, the same title held by Bruno Sammartino, Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin. It will be gone, and christened the ECW Championship, so that means every WWE fan will recognize Cena as the biggest dolt in history. Cena said the Hammerstein will be packed with the ruthless ECW faithful, say Cena is standing tall at the end of the night, he figures his fight will be just about to start because he'll be in the middle of a riot. He could complain that it's not fair, or he could lose some sleep wondering how bad he'll get his ass kicked, or he could do what he's going to do, fight like a man. ECW made a statement on Monday night and tonight he makes his. Cena said that Sabu has officially pissed off the fire breathing son of a bitch.


    In the arena:


    Paul Heyman is in the ring and he says that it's overwhelming that they are here in the resurgence of ECW. He said next Tuesday on the Sci-Fi will be a need breed unleashed as ECW returns to television, and it gets his heart pumping to see what a new breed unleashed will be. It won't be all the old things, it will be a whole lot more. The resurrection begins this Sunday at One Night Stand. The WWE Champion John Cena defends against Rob Van Dam. ECW's Kurt Angle takes on with RAW's Randy Orton. Tazz will come out of retirement against Jerry The King Lawler. Edge and Mick Foley will do battle with Terry Funk and Tommy Dreamer. Rey Mysterio will defend the World Title against Sabu. Heyman said that for those of you who aren't sold yet, he figured you might want to sample the flavour of what happened last year when ECW returned to PPV. We then go to footage from last years One Night Stand.


    Up next:


    Team WWE will battle team ECW in a twenty man battle royal. Kurt Angle is in the back with the ECW locker room and fires them up as we go into commercial. Big Show does the same with the WWE locker room, and says Kurt Angle is out for himself. He said some of us are from RAW and some from Smackdown, but tonight they are all WWE, so lets go out and show the world that ECW tonight has no idea what it's going to get.


    WWE vs. ECW

    Battle Royal


    There will be 10 WWE Superstars against 10 ECW Wrestlers, with standard battle royal rules. Big Show then made his entrance, followed by Randy Orton. Mark Henry was out next, followed by Tatanka and then Intercontinental Champion Shelton Benjamin. Matt Hardy then made his entrance and then Finlay and Carlito. United States Champion Bobby Lashley then made his way to the ring followed by Edge to round off the WWE Team. It's now ECW time as they made a united entrance. They are Kurt Angle, Tommy Dreamer, Terry Funk, Tony Mamaluke, Justin Credible, Al Snow, Nunzio, Sandman, Stevie Richards and Balls Mahoney.


    Dreamer went after Edge and now everyone is brawling. Mark Henry was eliminated quickly by Kurt Angle and Nunzio. Matt Hardy was out next by Justin Credible and Terry Funk. Dreamer worked over Benjamin in the corner and Big Show did the same to Al Snow. Nunzio was sent to the apron and then knocked out by Big Show. Tatanka was out next by Tommy Dreamer and then Carlito by the Sandman. Edge hip tossed Tony Mamaluke to the outside, and then Edge and Orton double teamed Dreamer to eliminate him as we go to commercial.


    Back live and Edge is still on the outside watching the action in a chair as the rest of the competitors battled it out. Edge grabbed Funk from the outside to eliminate him. Finlay tossed Justin Credible to the outside. Al Snow pulled out head but was given a roundhouse by Shelton Benjamin sending him outside. Steven Richards was then eliminated and Lashley then tossed Balls Mahoney. Lashley was eliminated by Kurt Angle. Orton grabbed Sandman and hammered away at him. We go to yet another commercial break.


    Back live and Edge is still on the outside watching the action in a chair as the rest of the competitors battled it out. Edge grabbed Funk from the outside to eliminate him. Finlay tossed Justin Credible to the outside. Al Snow pulled out head but was given a roundhouse by Shelton Benjamin sending him outside. Steven Richards was then eliminated and Lashley then tossed Balls Mahoney. Lashley was eliminated by Kurt Angle. Orton grabbed Sandman and hammered away at him. We go to yet another commercial break.


    WWE have a huge advantage with four wrestlers left. Sandman was eliminated and Angle's alone. Shelton Benjamin was eliminated by a back drop as Finlay, Show and Orton corner him. Edge is still in, but is still watching on the outside. Angle dished out belly to belly's and then countered a chokeslam into an Angle Slam on Big Show. Finlay then levelled Angle from behind and went to eliminate him but Angle fought him off and then catapulted Finlay to the outside. Edge now decides to get in the ring and sets up for the Spear but Angle caught him with a belly to belly sending him out. Orton then came from nowhere and knocked Angle off the apron. WWE win with Orton and Show surviving. Big Show then ripped off his RAW shirt and has an ECW shirt underneath! Show chokeslammed Orton in the middle of the ring and then tossed him to the outside! ECW wins the battle royal!


    Winner - The Big Show


    The Aftermath:


    Kurt Angle got in the ring and looked shocked and hugged the Big Show! The Big Show has defected to ECW!


    More to come...

  4. ECW one night stand official match:


    RVD vs. Rey Mysterio of Smackdown


    Sabu vs John Cena of Raw


    Battle royal with 10 WWE superstar and 10 ECW wrestler


    Meron din atang Kurt angle vs Randy Orton


    dude...ano to wwe vs.ecw special...bukas pa ata to...sa USA Network...parang raw/SD episode lang to


    sa one night stand ang matches palang ata na sure


    JOhn Cena Vs. RVD


    Mysterio Vs. Sabu


    Foley/Edge vs. Funk/Dreamer


    Lawler vs. Tazz

  5. i do collect dvds...bootleg nga lang din...lets face it...cheaper talaga...pinagtatawanan nga ako ng GF ko kasi nangongolekta nga ako peke naman...


    worthy of acknowledgement


    chicago bulls dynasty (orig, from the states)

    ultimate jordan (Bonus ed, with 5 greatest mj games)

    inidiana jones trilogy


    jackie brown

    pulp fiction

    reservoir dogs (tarantino rocks)

    seven samurai


    im still looking for lots..here are some


    empire records

    fast times at ridgemont high


    chasing amy

    LOTR Extended



    madami pa...


    i buy vcds din pag di ko mahanap sa dvd...but id rather have dvd copies...

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