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Posts posted by hit05

  1. if you really trusted your "God's Plan", then the idea of prayer is absurd. He already know what you want and what's good for you so what is the purpose of prayer? just to tell god what you want/need that supposedly he already know? therefore prayer is an act of doubt rather than act of faith..#thinkaboutit


    Jesus agonized in the garden; it was a time of human weakness of the man-god seeking God's help. The strong resolve to follow the Will of Father happened after. Just maybe the idea is to communicate with God, and in this case, Jesus saw the grace of God's redmption.


    Prayer helps us see things in the eyes or viewpoint of God .The answer will be the grace to be faithful and accept the Will f the Father, which is Jesus' case was the crucifixion.

  2. How true is this?




    A viral graphic, read more here.


    Is it simply because why Islamic terrorism does not exist in Japan?




    No wonder during Thanksgiving, President Obama introduced the name of his pet as ABE. This is a provocative media assault IMHO: Knowing how Japanese and Americans are East - West worlds apart in culture and psychology, but maybe this was the direct result of Japan bashing Islam?

  3. Airport Employee Reveals How Much They Earn From 'Laglag-Bala' Scheme! Shocking!



    Unbelievable? Should be tagged under "Corruption is more fun in the Philipines"!.


    'Can't bribe crocodiles': Indonesia may use reptiles as prison guards



    Pwede ba to sa NBP at sa mga trapo natin?

    A former airport official was on air the other day. He claimed that these incidences were quite common but never used to detain or delay passengers from their flights. But in the last 5 years, the filing of cases was initiated, even to the extent of criminalizing the act where passengers are detained or given a criminal record which in cases of OFWs mean cancellation of work contract and unemployment. Maybe someone ought to clarify the facts first since many here fly regularly and should be able to notice.


    The post 911 scenario did impose more banned items on all flights but the SOP was to confiscate them and remove them physically from the flight. Some items are allowed if inside checked in baggage.


    Why this is happening at all is the question. This year the EDSA People Power anniversary was not only sidelined but two prominent personalities, former President Ramos & presidential uncle Peping Cojuanco, deplore the outcome of this revolution by wishing for another revolution. This is quite shocking considering that they were in active leadership roles and could have influenced the success or failure of People Power. Has government today turned against the People? The only logical answer is all these government inaction and poor showing are made to set the stage for another revolution, but no longer for People Power.


    Let us stop thinking that all these officials are dumb or incompetent.... as Shakespeare declared, there is method in his madness.

  4. Planning to go to HK next month. OK pa ba kapag ganitong season (christmas)?


    and going to buy lot of stuff, di kaya ako mahold sa customs? :D

    If you want the latest in gadget or fashion, Shops in HK are it. But there is a great difference in prices between tourist areas and for locals market place. If you have enough time then window shop first. They also got online listings but afaik they do not encourage online shopping there. They want you to move around and spend for the hunting adventure. In some cases the shop keepers tease you and offer half the price of what you already got.


    Personally I feel that the shops that are not in the main roadways got better prices. But depend on no rules. These shops are mostly cooperatives (family enterprises that controls several stores offering similar merchandise) and may alter the conditions at a whim. So do not try to do a lot of shopping at once unless you know already what you want.


    BTW no need to declare at customs if it is for PERSONAL effects, unless the volume exceeds the norm for individual use.

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  5. Scientific groups ought to PROTECT scientists by establishing intellectual property rights and helping organize patents and copyrights office. This is the best way to promote practice and career in science. Many a school or university create new scientists yearly but if there is no way to protect their efforts, who would want to waste time practicing science?


    Science is basically the sxientific method. Even students of science subjects can be scientists and contribute to new discoveries and innovations. Politics can help the cause of practitioners but it can also exploit or persecute them. If there is simply too much credit grabbing and unnecessary lobbying of business groups to protect profits, then science will suffer falsehood too.

  6. Well the Bible is a record of what happened and the witnessing of the power of divine over a course of time. Point is these divine REVELATIONS are not complete and is still continuing. Time will come when men finally discover the Truth, but the Bible is just a means to that end. Germany and the USA spearhead a deep respect for Scriptures since it made society better. When the Germans invented the first printing press, they mass produced the Bible, making it an all time best seller. The USA meanwile started out as Scripture abiding pastors who wanted to form the best government based on Law. They were groups of puritans who started in England but was later persecuted and forced to find refuge in the new world.


    Science meanwhile is a collection of facts. Nowadays science suffers from too much politics, thus a science congress may declare the Earth is flat once more but in reality, the scientific method is precisely to avoid the SOCIAL pressure that once upon a time forced Western society to view the Earth as flat instead of a sphere. Many who burned non-conformists at stake in public view were equivalent of KNOWLEDGEABLE scientists and their brainwashed students today. They were like scribes and Pharisees in the Gospels who appoint themselves accuser, judge and executioner.


    In advanced countries like Japan, many enthusiasts are able to contribute to science because they do it properly. For example they can discover new planets or stars and earn credit for that even if they do not have an astronomer's diploma. In the US, Thomas Edison was largely uninstructed yet he dared to study and tinker with many things leading to modern inventions like the telephone , light bulb and phonograph, which proven scientific principles are still in use today.


    In other words, anyone can be a scientist if he can gather the facts and present it to others who can test and prove the hypothesis as real facts. But today those with diplomas act as if they are scientists yet they only have HYPOTHESIS to offer which are often disproven or inconsistent with the facts or first hand experiences of people. In other words, the hypothetical statements they declare just wont work in real life. Governments spend billions to support authoritative science based on hypothesis that cause more harm rather than benefit to society.


    Science and Scriptures can agree on a common purpose, and that is TRUTH. The Gospels declare that the Truth shall set you free; In science, if it fails that that is not truth.

  7. if i were to choose now its gonna be oneplus one, or meizu mx5

    most cpus are either qualconm snapdrahon or mediatek,,,intel for asus

    rise of china phones hopefully bring down pricr of samsung dony iphone



    Samsung, Sony and iphones have short product cycles and this is what is causing price to plummet rather than serious competition with clones or China originals. The better clones are manufactured in Vietnam - they actually look and feel the same as the original but lacks built in memory and high resolution cameras, etc, In other words, clones are downsized in features.

  8. Christians were given proof of eternal life. Our physical bodies are never built to last forever, and like any kind of matter, it shall transform back to its original nature. Those who denied God and his commandments will also be denied of passage to eternity, or its enjoyment, if not fulfillment.


    Thus, physical death is like being born again to eternity; the end is a new beginning to life ever after.

  9. FYI couples with incompatible RH factor or have faulty genes, etc, can experience multiple cases of abortion. If they try hard and fail, each of the attempt can appear as an unwanted pregnancy that escalated into abortion. Only that in this case, there is a desire for a normal pregnancy which fail to materialize and ended up in a stillborn child or a lifeless fetus.


    Lesson is let us not be too hasty in condemning the sight of a still born child since there is also possibility that it happened against the will of the mother. Imagine a couple in this situation having several failures accused to mastermind the death of their children.That would be adding insult to injury.

  10. we must not commit sin

    What is sin to you? Is it following the will of man or the Will of God?


    With so many laws today, one must reflect if such rules would be in harmony with the Will of God or not. This is especially true since men today are campaigning against God and hoping to eliminate divinity completely from a picture perfect environment.

  11. In the Gospels, Jesus reveals that he can drive off demons. The demons were so frightened since Jesus had the power and authority to send them off. In one instance a devil complained if it was already time for them to leave... for good.



    My interpretation is that Hell (Impyerno) is unloose on Earth. The ruler of the world is not yet Jesus and his Kingdom has not arrived on Earth. But Jesus showed us how.


    Paradise was lost when man was inhibited from the tree of Life. Paradise would be regained if man was led back to the Tree of Life. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Yup, Jesus offers Life. This was his mission and human salvation. The way to Eternal Life is to find God the Eternal Father.


    Even Pnoy's incompetency, his image outside the country is helping our economy somehow. Since when you look at him at afar he is still run a clean govt. Foreign investors don't know the details how he runs the govt. and only looks at numbers (GDP), peace and order and corruption level. That's why he prefer going to the new Mitsubishi plant than the arrival of Fallen44.




    The Mitsubishi factory in Cainta was moved to the new site because of rapid development from industrial to commercial. Most of its suppliers are already in Laguna so it is best to relocate to shorten downtime from traffic, and also cash out from soaring real estate prices.

  13. China has invested in some pretty expensive infrastructure in the past 10 to 15 years. Bagong yaman mentality. They must have borrowed a lot of money to make that happen. Perhaps it "borrowed" from the US or more accurately, the US paid back some of its debt to China which in turn used that money to construct all that infrastructure and modernize its military

    What you are deducting is China is probably more indebted than the USA today. This is also what I am saying, but unlike the USA which keeps a tab on its financial standing, China don't offer much public disclosures. Thus, Chinese claims to prosperity and mighty capability do not match with its almost suicidal and desperate attempt to expand in territory.


    It is highly likely that China got a bubble larger than anyone else. Australians echo this sentiment too when it asked China to provide data on its finances.

  14. Posts here seem dated and redundant. It lacks common sense. The Chinese are the largest US financiers holding the most US Bonds. Thus if war erupts, the US stands to gain by not honoring its obligations to a hostile enemy. Also, the Chinese funding somewhat paid for the recent US military contracts that have upgraded defense and cutting edge offense capability that were covered by US government securities. A Chinese vs USA war is completely tilted against China.


    There is also the question of Chinese government financial integrity of stuck funds in US Securities. If China got a lot of funds in US Securities, how can they account for Chinese military buildup they made? Where did the funds come from? My conservative guess is that China made a financial hocus pocus - the real reason for its desperate military expansionist strategy which had btw, stepped on the toes of Japan and Russia - among others.

  15. Some BDO branches got extended banking days and hours. Imagine you can cash a check on a Saturday or Sunday. Or maybe deposit a check by 7pm when most banks are closed by 4pm. Also, they got the highest branch density in our area, possibly due to the mergers (latest acquisition is Equitable-PCI Bank) that has made BDO the largest bank in the country.


    The drawback is it is not a family bank that normally would have the staff familiar and friendly for years. Rather it is more commercial or impersonal where staff got a high turnover rate. But that is not a problem for most people who prefer flexibility to transact in different branches instead.

  16. Sex education can be promoted in information driven society. If there is a health issue then the access to correct information must be free and accessible. Perhaps this can be rightfully included among the items in the Freedom of Information. Websites nowadays offer free self-help interactive guides and Filipinos can tap this resource by formal cooperation rather than starting from scratch. Since Filipinos are poor, then media companies can ask for sponsors to extend good information to the public on a case to case, on-demand type and not forcefully.


    I remember we got a local Sesame Street program before. Since the TV is now interactive and played on demand, not far from the capability of the PC, I suppose we can just pick the most appropriate programs available worldwide and adapt it to our culture and language. Such adaptations are already bridging the gap in language and culture that allows Korean telenovela or Japanese Anime casts surprising popularity among Filipinos; or Freddie Aguilar a hit in Japan, etc.


    The fact is the RH Bill was not even an issue created by Filipino citizens before congress but a way to justify the unofficial purchase of condoms made for another market. The posts on this thread topic betray the lack of clear goals and principles behind the new RH Law. It was approved into Law and a huge budget had been appropriated, but its mission is still debatable to date.




    Filipinos need not be proficient in SEX. They got no problem with reproductive health - proof is the high population growth rate. Exposure of children to sex at an early age is the problem. Their innocence is under attacked by media and a culture that adores the bad example of its leaders. The traditional and classic family values are challenged by the prolific extension of family by Ramon Revilla or the no frills female liberation platform by Kris Aquino. Once children lose their innocence in these matters, the risk of waywardness is going to be high. In contrast, children who are more focused and striving for excellence won't have time for these things, reason why first world countries have high productivities and less time for sex.


    Our government is mistaken to promote sex education when the priority of educational institutions got to be excellence and productivity instead.

  17. Sex is a natural animal instinct driven by passionate desires rather than by intellectual or educational intent. In the absence of instructions, instincts would guide the animal kingdom to reproduce. Seduction or stimulating the senses and not poor education is the real reason why people lose themselves and take unwanted risks leading to single parenthood. Many (unwanted) pregnancies out of wedlock happen by accident due to the lack of awareness of one's sexuality rather than the lack of idea of sexual biology.


    Thus the RH Law addresses the wrong issues and will predictably fail to solve the problem of unwanted teenage pregnancies. Forcing sex education to the young is initiating sex topics prematurely. The Catholic Church ought to blame government for the surge in unwanted pregnancies AFTER RH became a national or household issue. The public debate over reproductive health initiated much interests from children and young adults to experiment without realizing that a weak human instinct can lead to a burning desire that is extinguished temporarily by a sexual act. People who feed their desires can suffer addictions, which is a lot more destructive to public health and socio-economic structures. Come to think of it, can the RH Bill inhibit individuals from siring a hundred children from dozens of women like what showbiz politicians do or what some policemen are known for?

  18. The US military will never trust the Philippine Government to be its ally. It has not removed it from the list and is next only to Iraq in the war on terror. But the Filipino People want the Americans here. In a recent survey, 85% of them approve of American presence. The Filipino politicians who are but a few are defying the popular stance by creating political block to the US military.


    What happened in Leyte and Cagayan de Oro are proof of the growing influence and presence of mainland Chinese in the country who are legally sponsored by the DENR and even the Philippine Congress. They seem to defy the total log ban, total mining ban policies, even the criminal laws of the country. The Chinese are allowed to murder Filipinos like the incident in San Juanico Bridge that unfolded on nationwide television where hundreds of motorists reacting from news that the bridge is open were blocked and murdered by suposedly NPA rebels, then with the help of Filipino officials who gave safe passage to a Chinese Medical Mission, certified the deaths as typhoon related. Deaths due to illegal activities are placed hurriedly in mass graves to cover up the genocide taking place which even the Chinese Ambassador personally visited to expedite the effort before local officials make a tour of the area. Even investigators like the two police officers from Cagayan de Oro were found to be among the victims of calamity despite the fact that they reported for work 2 days after the rains stopped.

  19. During Marcos's time, they didn't waste time drilling in West Philippine Sea areas because it's too deep. The cost of technology to drill at such depths was too expensive at that time. That is why Malampaya was built only recently when the new drilling methods and higher drilling accuracy became available for affordable deep sea oil drilling.


    Only time will tell. China is not really a veteran in this kind of technology.


    Spratly's area had been drilled deep already for exploration and there is no promise of oil. What you are saying is the cost of production cannot justify operations at the Malampaya but they already know its potential so when the costings changed, or maybe when the oil prices escalated, they proceeded to exploit the deposit for PROFIT.


    If it is not profitable, then that will just be a waste of time.

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