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Posts posted by Hambone

  1. Most memorable and probably my favorite at the time, can't really do it anymore, is hide and seek in the dark. Have a house all to yourself and turn off ALL the lights. The person seeking being inches away from you and not being able to find you was definitely several levels above the regular hide and seek games.

  2. Michael Jordan is way far from other


    No team ever beat him in playoff.


    He may not be the tallest or the fastest or a streak shooter like other guards but he is the GOAT until someone beat his record


    What's funny is MJ might not even be considered the greatest if Magic didn't retire so early. Magic definitely could've taken a few championships from Jordan. The Bulls' era started when Bird and Magic retired, the bulls never even took a single game off Bird in the playoffs. MJ would definitely still be considered one of the greats, amazing numbers, but he'd have less rings and more playoffs losses. Pretty much what Lebron is now.

  3. Guys don't buy headphones dahil sa dala ng advertisements but buy because of accuracy and quality. Sorry but I don't like bose or beats, their overpriced and overrated. They don't put quality into their products.


    I suggest RHA or Sennheiser. But for the budget conscious then go for XIAO MI Piston 2 or XIAO MI HD. You'll be surprised.



    Beats definitely has no quality. It's pretty much a fashion accessory. Bose though as well? Earbuds I'd agree. But the headphones I'd have to disagree. I've never put on anything as comfortable as those. Quality seems pretty good but Im no audiophile so I don't really care about the quality if it's already good. I wouldn't notice much of a difference in an improvement unless it was that bad.


    Looks like you're talking about earphones, then I agree with you on that. I use a $20 pair of earphones over my $200 bose ones cuz the bose sucks. I foolishly bought that without checking reviews because Bose never disappointed before. I'd still go for Bose for headphones.

  4. Boxing mostly and then some BJJ. Stopped both to focus on improving my physique by bulking and hitting the weights. Seriously considered training under Burn Soriano (not sure if he still teaches), a friend recommended him after the gym we went to closed down.

  5. I was pretty close to retiring during crypto's boom, maybe in the future.


    Personally I think 30-50k a month would be enough. This includes rent. If I'll be retired, I'd prefer being able to move whenever I feel like it, including outside the country. Houses I own would be rented out. The number could be more or less though, I still plan on doing things as a side gig, whether it is to earn extra income or learn new things. Do keep in mind that this is the number I would need for the next few decades of my life. It would include investments to combat inflation as I'll probably be around for 50+ years. Also if I'd start a family I'd have to take that into account and probably get a part time job of some sort which shouldn't be too hard just to keep myself busy.


    To earn this I'd probably need 10M. Then I can take things slow and think about my next steps and maybe pursue something that interests me.

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