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Posts posted by wolflove_bigdawg

  1. Cost is indeed the main consideration, but we need a platform operable for the next 15 years, how many years and flying hours do you think the Tornado's have, assuming they play St.Nick and give us a very very bargain price :rolleyes: we looked at the 2nd hand/ refurbished options YAKs, Kfirs, F16s and even F5s to name a few and it would be practical to get a new platform with our intended time frame/budget and skill gap.


    I prefer we get the best, heck even an F22 raptor but we cant and if we still pursue the F16 route in the near future then the next best thing would be a TA or FA50


    Exactly. because we can't afford those F-xx's, not only for their price but also for the maintenance cost. i believe the contract for the TA50's have been signed already and that partial delivery will be late 2013. Aircrafts if properly maintained can be operational for 50 years so 1975 + 50 = 2025. Actually, Saudi Arabia is still using the Tornados. The only reason Italy and GB are retiring these is the same reason rich people change cars every 3 years; because they can. They are moving up to Typhoon Eurofighters.

  2. Why get/buy 3rd Gen Fighters when you can get the a 4.5 Gen LIFT like the FA/TA50 of the Koreans?





    We have plans to get more, Rule of 3.


    Talk with the Italians are in the finalization stages, and we will be getting 2 Maestrales class frigates from them and maybe a Minerva as a deal sweetener, unfortunately for our Armed forces, its was neglected for the past 25years and we concentrated on COIN and overlooked our ex.defs. Just because we dont hear anything about the modernization doesnt mean nothing is happening, In fairness to Pnoy, what he has done for the AFP in the past 3 years is far greater that what the Little Lady did in 9.


    one word: PRICE. the TA-50 costs around 28M dollars and as i have said, if those countries would play sta. claus, meaning they would offer them at bargain price. take note also that the Tornado is not a light fighter aircraft like the TA-50. they are full-sized fighter-bombers.


    we should be vigilante about this creeping invasion by China. mukhang me balak gawing Falklands nila ang Panatag Shoal. another thing that should keep our eyes open is the psy-war being conducted by China. doble-kara tong mga chekwang ito. pa-traydor kung tumira. sana me paraan para makapag-ambagan tayo sa isang pondo pambili ng shore-based anti-ship and anti-aircraft missiles na may 500 km. range para hindi makalapit sa mga isla natin.

  3. My two cents...


    Dig and suck up all the oil in areas that are without any doubt OURS, in Palawan, Zambales, Benrise, etc. For all we know, the oil reserves from these areas are connected to the contested areas. In short, unahan na natin. While earning from this activities, buy the military capabilities that we need and develop indigenous weapons manufacturing capabilities.

  4. Bok, don't raise the average Pinoy's expectations too much. Anong "Sophisticated Military Weapons at Surveillance Equipment" pinagsasasabi mo???


    At present, it only has a 76MM Oto Melara Main Gun, .50Cal & 7.62GPMG for the weapons suite and a surface search radar for patrol duties. The air search radar it had was not part of the bargain, hence the yanks removed it. In a nutshell, all it can detect are other ships but it can't detect aircraft.


    There are plans though to put Surface to Surface missiles, Surface to Air missiles, torpedoes, a sonar suite, a new air search radar and a helicopter on her.


    Once said plan materializes, then you can truly say that she has "Sophisticated Military Weapons at Surveillance Equipment".


    sana malagyan ng mga modern radars and weaponry like CIWS and miniguns so it can defend itself well.

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