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Posts posted by eve

  1. Have you ever seen Born Yesterday (Don Johnson, Melanie Griffith, John Goodman). "A businessman shows up in Washington to lobby agendas that are friendly to his construction plans. His ditsy ex-showgirl bimbo proves to be an embarrassment in social situations, so he hires a reporter to teach her how to appear more intelligent." To prepare for Goodman's (businessman) big event, Johnson (journalist) equips Griffith (bimbo) with 8 essential phrases and what they mean. I love that party scene where Griffith had to mingle with business folk where her ever reliable guardian angel (Johnson) was hovering, and using his fingers, gave her signals on which phrase out of the 8 would be the best reply. It worked of course and she walked out to each chat feeling ever so confident. I guess it wouldn't hurt to have simple phrases tucked under your belt, the knowledge to use them and grace to walk away when it gets too complicated. ^_^

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