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Posts posted by the_mack

  1. gags


    im glad u feel like youre the luckiest girl in the world, coz im tryin my best to make you one. really. you always thank me for the things that ive been doing for you. i think i should be the one doing that coz its never been the same for me since u came. you know that. :*


    i believe this will work, ive been thru a lot and i know youve been thru a lot too. im willing to give you everything you deserve, no, even more than that.


    smile. i love you




  2. You need to go to the police or the NBI (preferably the latter). The problem is that pre-paid SIM cards can be purchased here anonymously. Hence, it is very difficult to know who is sending out the threatening text messages. Anyway, preserve your texts and if possible, back them up in your PC. Hopefully, the authorities here have devices which can track cell phone signals.


    i thought about going to the NBI.. but i am not so confident that they can do something about it ASAP, with more important things to investigate about, threathening text messages would be secondary for them i think. does anyone know anyone from the NBI? just so i can talk to that person personally and maybe i can ask for suggestions.. thanks.



    Why don't u just change ur SIM? If the text messages kept coming after u changed ur number, that means the sender is one who is just near u (Kaya nga nalaman niya agad ang abo mong number eh.) At least the number of ur possible suspects will be trimmed and at the same time, hindi ka niya mabu-buwisit in the meantime.



    i am using this number for a good 8 years now, i just dont wanna change numbers just coz of a lunatic texter. and some of us thats gettin messages have postpaid plans so thats really not an option. but thanks for the suggestion, man. i really appreciate it.

  3. i dont know if this should be here. but im tryin to get suggestions on what should i do.

    me and my friends have been pestered by a certain person that we dont know thru txt messaging.

    at first, we didnt pay attention to it, we kinda just laughed about it. we even agreed not to text

    the number coz theres really no sense replyin to a lunatic. but as days go by, we recieve quite

    threatening messages like "ingatan ang kids and family", of course it would really bother us...

    this person seem to know what hes talkin about. the person even knew the name of some of

    our family members. i know we can just call NTC to complain about the number so they can block

    it. but we really wanna know whos behind all of this and how is this person gettin info about us.

    we were plannin to go to the authorities, local police or NBI, but we are afraid that there would be

    no immediate action if ever they are really gonna do something about it. i just want help from you

    guys. thanks in advance.

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