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Posts posted by mark_pogi

  1. Call Centers? What do you guys expect? The call center industry is sad to say run by "pabibo" idiot KIDS who think of nothing but metrics. When i say "KIDS" I mean around mid 20's to mid 30's range. You won't see an Account Manager, Operations Manager, or let alone Team Leads who are way up in their 40's to 50's I think. Howcome? Beats me! Is there even a "retirement package" offered to call center employees? Maybe that's why most of the elders of our community, our parents, namely, have but low repect for the call center job.


    I've been in this industry for almost 5 years now and I haven't seen any changes or improvement in the management system. They want us to treat their clients' customers with utmost care and respect but they can't give the same to us. They don't even see us agents as employees. We're all just "numbers" to them. Resign today, they'll easily replace you tomorrow. That I guess just about sums up the call center industry... unless TRUE leaders step up and turn things around. True leaders who can bring about change. I even think there should be a representative in the party list for the call center employees since the business world claims that our business sector is one of the highest revenue earners.

    i agree on what u said.

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