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Posts posted by Telly

  1. 2 hours ago, silverboy123 said:

    That’s how the two of them met, they found themselves together purely by casualty. They threaded around coincidence and wandered into each other: they found, at last, someone that could understand all those nameless, dreaded feelings and sensations that once trapped them into themselves.


    The mermaid smiled, coy at first, with just the corners of her lips.


    “Is this your first time listening to a mermaid? Sorry it had to be like that.” She got closer and tried to explain, nervously, her hands moved all around in wide gestures that denoted her theatrical experience. “Usually, mermaids’ songs are supposed to be somehow like a ray of sunshine, cheerful and amusing, but I’m not always able to sing that way, you know..?”


    “I think I get it.” The fish answered, quietly, amazed to see her opening to him. He realized that maybe the two of them were lacking the same thing: someone that would actually listen.


    “Sometimes I fear that there’s something wrong inside me, something that’s not inside the rest of the world and it pulls me further and further apart from everything…” The mermaid then snorted and started all over again. “But just what am I saying all of sudden? I’m getting you down too, right? You can go away now, I didn’t mean to bother you.”


    “You’re not a bother, really. It’s not as if I had many more things to do, and believe me, you can’t get me down more than how I usually feel.”


    “Hah?” Now the mermaid looked at him with a grin. “And what reason would a fish have to feel down? Did you fall asleep and the current dragged you away? ”


    “Please, everyone knows that only happens to shrimps.” They both laughed. “No, but seriously, it’s not too different from what you said. For a fish, swimming in a shoal is one of the most important things you should be able to do, but in my case I could never seem to connect with larger groups. All I ever do the whole day is swim, but swim only on my own and I hate it. Your song… I think it somehow comforted me about that, as if your voice was telling me that it was all okay.”


    Do I keep going? Might be getting bored?

    Carry on, Atom, carry on! 

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  2. 10 hours ago, silverboy123 said:



    In the ocean of my mind, thoughts of her sway like a calm wave. With every moment, she captivates my mind and fills my heart with awe and wonder. How can a person be so beautiful and perfect in every single way? She is the queen of this great ocean of my mind.


    In the ocean of my mind, she swims to the deepest depths. I go after her until I'm lost in her world. Her glittering scales, gleaming in the sunlight. Her dazzling eyes light up my soul. Like soft echoes across my mind, I hear her voice in my dreams.


    In the ocean of my mind, I wonder what stories she has to tell. Tales of secrets she keeps hidden in the depths of the sea. Does she know of the wonders that lie beneath the waves? Does she know she is a wonder that I will cherish with all that I have?


    In the ocean of my mind, many thoughts of her fill my day until I find myself lost in her enchanting world. Yes, I know that I have found a rare treasure within the ocean's hold. She is a sight to behold. Elegant and marvelous in every way.


    In the ocean of my mind, a beauty dwells therein. A wonder to behold that fills my heart with joy and pride. She is the mermaid of my dreams. She is the special one for me. Yes, in this great ocean of my mind, she is the queen that rules it all.

    ❤️ galing naman. 

  3. 8 hours ago, silverboy123 said:

    As I strolled the shoreline the other day, I watched as the smattering of fishermen were spread about the dock all trying to capitalize on early morning “good fishing”, and as I watched them I couldn’t but have my mind going back to thoughts of you. To be honest, you do capitalize most of my thoughts regardless as most things remind me of you, so why would this be any different. That’s the thing about a crush, right? They take priority over all your other thoughts. Anyway, back to the fishing. I was watching these fishermen do their thing and I thought how while there may be plenty of fish in the sea as they say, there usually is that one that stands out above all others. That has the sunlight reflect off their colorful scales and illuminate all that’s around them. Well Crush of mine, you are in fact that fish and by far this man’s favorite. You clearly are dominating my thoughts and I can tell I play a major part in yours. I can tell through your words that you’ve figured me out. You understand what makes me tick. Where once I had walls placed around my heart to protect it, you came in with a sledgehammer and knocked them down. I appreciate how you and I can carry on for hours which makes my fond feelings for you grow exponentially with every tick of the clock.


    I can tell through your lovely words that you feel me as the feeling inside of us keeps building. I can tell it’s growing and will continue to do so as all good things have that tendency. Trust when I say that you and I are a good thing. Through our chats I know deep within my soul that as we progress, I’ll never be losing, I’ve won every time. Getting to know you has given me that big winner feeling. That’s definite. Vibing out to you just makes me feel too human. That’s what we all want in life right? To find that perfect human in life that gives us that butterfly in the stomach feeling. Well, I just checked, and yes, my stomach is feeling tingly. 


    All I want is to get on your level as you make me feel special, and I know there’s a reciprocal feeling there as you must know how special I want to make you feel. Of all the things that I’m rapidly growing to admire and appreciate about you, it is your wonderful philosophy to “live life like it’s practice”. I go through the motions in my daily, when in reality I’d rather be talking to you. So, when I see something that reminds me of you (which is damn near everything), I check out, and go back to the dream and the dreamily. Back to the who that I’m speaking to. It’s you, you are the who I’d rather be speaking to.


    Well, I just wanted to put pen to page and express what I had going on in my head. Daily I am growing fonder of you then I had thought possible. I had those walls up, remember? With them out of the way I now see that there is really nothing in our way. I look forward with great anticipation to see what we will grow into. I know where I want it to end up, but let’s take things as they come and let the chips fall as they may. Let the Universe blaze the path for us and guide us in the right direction. 

    P.S. I’m going to go practice playing the Mayonnaise while I wait to hear from you

    But..but..but Mayonnaise is not instrument! 🫠

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